Care Managment

Where you recently released form the hospital?


CareSource offers care and disease management programs. These programs help you learn about your health and how you can manage your specific health conditions. These programs are available to you at no cost.

Care Management

CareSource has a Care Team of nurses, social workers and other outreach staff who can work with you one-on-one to help coordinate your health care needs. They will contact you by phone:

  • If your provider requests one to contact you.
  • If you request a phone call.
  • If our Care Management staff feels their services would be helpful to you or your family.

Our staff is trained to help you with medical problems like asthma, cancer or other medical conditions. We can help you address any barriers or unmet needs. We can work with your primary care provider and other specialists at your request to help meet your health care needs and goals. We can also work with you if you need help figuring out when to get medical care from your doctor, an urgent care center or the emergency room.

You also have access to an Interdisciplinary Care Team (ICT). This team includes your primary care provider (PCP), specialists, and any family members or supporters that you would like to have included. Your ICT can help you address any barriers related to your care or unmet needs. You may request an ICT any time by talking with your Care Manager.

For more information, contact a Care Manager by completing the Care Management Contact Form or call 1-844-679-7867 (TTY: 1-833-711-4711 or 711). Care Management is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, Eastern Standard Time (EST).