Community Impact

CareSource and Indy Hygiene Hub team up to tackle “period poverty” in Indianapolis Public Schools

August 28th, 2024 | 3 min read

CareSource employees delivering the period packs assembled by CareSource volunteers to the administration offices of Indianapolis Public Schools.

CareSource employees Christine Mueller, Angela Summers, Christiane Soultz and Chelissia Howard delivering the period packs assembled by CareSource volunteers to the administration offices of Indianapolis Public Schools. (Photo: CareSource)

INDIANAPOLIS (CARESOURCE) – CareSource is proud to announce a new collaborative effort with Indy Hygiene Hub and Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) to address the critical issue of access to menstrual products known as “period poverty” among students. This summer, CareSource and Indy Hygiene Hub will provide essential menstrual hygiene kits to IPS students in need to support their health and educational success.

Period poverty—the lack of access to menstrual products, hygiene facilities and adequate education—is a pressing issue that can negatively impact students' attendance and performance in schools. Nationwide statistics indicate that one in five United States teens has missed school due to a lack of access to menstrual products. CareSource recognizes the significant impact of this issue and is committed to making a difference.

Earlier this summer, IPS principals indicated a recurring demand for hygiene and menstruation products, requesting that kits be made available for distribution during Back-to-School events held from July 25-31. These events aimed to equip students with the necessary products to start the school year with confidence and dignity.

In response, CareSource donated $3,000 to Indy Hygiene Hub to purchase hygiene and period products. This funding will enable the distribution of 100 hygiene kits and 400 menstruation kits (200 tampons and 200 pads) to IPS students in need of them.

CareSource employees, including local staff from Marion County, participated in a volunteer event in June, where they packed the hygiene kits at Indy Hygiene Hub's location. This hands-on involvement underscored their commitment to community support and engagement.

"Period poverty is a real issue that impacts our students, and IPS welcomes the assistance from Indy Hygiene Hub and CareSource," said Dr. Megan Carlson, Director of Health Services for IPS. "This initiative will support the health and educational success of our students, ensuring they have the resources necessary to thrive."

Additionally, the kits will include essential items such as deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, body wash, and shampoo and conditioner. Indy Hygiene Hub’s ongoing monthly drive-through pantry ensures that families can continue to access these vital supplies.

“Ensuring that students have access to necessary hygiene products helps maintain students’ dignity and supports their educational success,” said Christiane Soulz, RN, BSN, women and children’s health specialist for CareSource of Indiana. “We are proud to partner with Indy Hygiene Hub and IPS to make a tangible difference in our community,”

"This collaboration is a step towards gender equality and health equity,” said Dr. Cameual Wright, chief medical officer of CareSource Indiana. “By providing these essential products, we are helping students stay in school and focus on their education without the distraction and stress of period poverty."

CareSource of Indiana and Indy Hygiene Hub invite the community to join us in this important effort to support students and ensure they have the resources they need to succeed.