5 Ways CareSource Tackles Indiana’s Infant Mortality Rate
July 1st, 2021 | 3 min read

Indiana has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the nation, and while things are improving, recent data per the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) shows that the state still has room to grow to improve the life of Hoosier babies.
“It is a high priority for CareSource to assist in supporting the Governor’s initiative to reduce Indiana’s high infant mortality rate by 2024,” said Steve Smitherman, Indiana CareSource president. “CareSource is working to provide our members with the care they need to deliver healthy babies and create better futures for themselves and their children.”
Addressing Social Determinants of Health
Social determinants of health such as unemployment, homelessness, food insecurity and a lack of access to health care can lead to poor health outcomes. Identifying barriers and connecting with local resources and support to address these concerns can create a healthy environment for the family. CareSource connects members to local organizations that can offer assistance while simultaneously providing financial and volunteer support to those same organizations.
Dedicated Team of Case Managers
CareSource has a dedicated team of case managers who support all pregnant women and infants who are admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit, as well as a transition team to ensure medical equipment, follow-up health services and support are provided once the family is back home.
Promote Breastfeeding
We understand the critical importance of breast milk for the growing infant. CareSource covers lactation services and free breast pumps to help encourage breastfeeding for a healthier baby. For mothers unable to breastfeed, CareSource has a partnership with the Milk Bank which helps supply donor breastmilk for all babies.
Rewards Program for Routine Care
CareSource offers a reward program, Baby’s First, which provides financial incentives for prenatal visits and child wellness visits, immunizations and lead testing. These rewards offer additional encouragement to achieve routine health care.
Community Partnerships
CareSource created a joint program with Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana’s Nurse-Family Partnership, a community health program that assists low-income, pregnant mothers by arranging home visits from registered nurses. CareSource has provided funding for the organization to hire a specially trained nurse to work with CareSource members enrolled in the program.
CareSource has also partnered with Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health and J&B Medical to provide mothers of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) babies with free baby scales in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The scales are available for all CareSource Medicaid members across the state of Indiana.
Lowering the infant mortality rate in Indiana must be a joint effort between doctors, mothers, fathers, health plans and the community at large. CareSource is proud to lead the way in caring for Indiana’s youngest Hoosiers.