Welcome to HAP CareSourceTM
Our mission is: Putting Members First, Pursuing Better Health Care. Together we can make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve by improving their health and well-being.
The HAP CareSource difference
- Non-profit organization committed to putting people over profits
- Exclusively focused on government programs with deep Medicaid, Marketplace, and dual-eligible experience
- Operational excellence with industry-leading accuracy and timeliness
- Leading the way in innovations to serve complex populations
Getting Started
Two Portals, One Simple Sign-On!
CareSource and HAP both offer the benefit of a provider portal. To help streamline your operations, we offer single sign-on from the HAP portal to the HAP CareSource™ provider portal.
How to Register for the HAP CareSource Provider Portal
It’s easy! You will access the HAP CareSource provider portal through the HAP portal. The same username and password will be used to access each portal.
If you are not registered for the HAP CareSource provider portal, please self-register by visiting HAP.org/providers and clicking the Login button. Once registered for the HAP CareSource provider portal, follow the below instructions.
- Log in to the HAP provider portal with your HAP username and password.
- Once logged in, you can link directly to the HAP CareSource provider portal.
- The first time you access the HAP CareSource provider portal, you will need to set up the multi-factor authentication* (MFA) method you would like to use when signing in.
- Locate your verification code and enter the code.
*Please Note: MFA is part of connecting to the HAP CareSource provider portal. You may follow the prompts to set up MFA or view the HAP CareSource Provider Portal User Guide.
The Provider Orientation gives you helpful details around completing common processes and provides an overview of how to work with us.
HAP CareSource has partnered with ECHO Health, Inc. to deliver provider payments. ECHO offers three payment options:
- Electronic fund transfer (EFT) – preferred
- Virtual Card Payment (QuicRemit) – Standard bank and card issuer fees apply*
- Paper Checks
*Payment processing fees are what you pay your bank and credit card processor for use of payment via credit card.
Enrollment Instructions
Enroll with ECHO for payment and choose EFT as your payment preference for HAP CareSource. You can also complete the ECHO enrollment form and fax, email, or mail it back to ECHO.
Questions? Call ECHO Customer Support at 1-888-834-3511.
Working with HAP CareSource
We want to make information convenient and easy to find. To help you begin working with HAP CareSource, we recommend the following resources:
- View our provider manual for a detailed resource for working with our health plan. To request a printed version of the manual, please contact provider services.
- Visit our Quick Reference Materials webpage for a variety of resources developed to make it easier for you to do business with us and to assist you in serving our members.
For additional reference materials, use the Provider tab at the top of this page to connect with a variety of important information, commonly used forms, claims information, frequently asked questions, clinical and preventive guidelines and much more.
Visit our Contact Us page for a list of important phone numbers and information on our provider services.
To see a full list of plans we offer, visit our Plan Overview page. For more information, you can select a specific plan.
For a breakdown of our member benefits or services and rewards programs, visit our website at HAPCareSource.com. Hover over the Plans tab and select the Benefits & Services for a specific plan.
Educational Resources
You can access our education offerings on our Training & Events page. This page will provide on-demand training as well as highlight any upcoming educational opportunities.
We strive to make partnering with you simple. We’re aware things may change in the way we do business with you and want to communicate the changes in an efficient manner. HAP CareSource offers providers a number of ways to stay connected and keep up to date.
Provider Newsletter: ProviderSource is a quarterly newsletter for HAP CareSource health partners in Michigan. In each edition, you will find information about:
- Online resources and helpful tools
- Program announcements and updates
- Clinical resources
- Procedure changes
- And more
Network Notifications: HAP CareSource will regularly communicate operational updates through the Updates & Announcements page on our website. Our goal is to keep you informed about working with us with using a format that is quickly accessible.
Monthly Bulletin Email: Monthly emails are automatically sent to all participating providers. Email content is created using the most recent network notifications, trainings, policy changes, and general updates.
Visit our Health Equity page for information on our commitments to Health Equity and Cultural Humility, provider responsibilities, and important training and resources including opportunities for free continuing education credits.
The Community of Innovation™ (COI) is a strategically organized coalition of complex health industry leaders focused on innovations and support to transform the provider experience. The COI facilitates the identification and solution development for provider related environmental, social, and technological barriers and challenges. By working together, the COI aims to support complex healthcare providers deliver the best possible person-centered quality care. Supported by Project ECHO® HAP CareSource, the COI will ensure all complex health providers can benefit from the solutions developed to advance health equity and outcomes for all complex health populations.
Project ECHO® HAP CareSource allows HAP CareSource to disseminate existing specialty knowledge (i.e., evidence-based practices and complex health related trainings) and practice experience in a proven tele-mentoring model. The model leverages the enhanced provider partnerships cultivated within the COI. Project ECHO® HAP CareSource transforms the way education and knowledge are delivered to reach more people in rural and underserved communities.
HAP CareSource providers are invited to join the COI. Below are the eligibility qualifications, requirements, and expectations. Participating providers must:
- Be a provider serving complex health populations (includes behavioral health, child welfare, intellectual and developmental disabilities, etc.)
- Attend orientation
- Have willingness to complete the confidentiality agreement
- Be actively engaged during regular scheduled cadence of meetings
- Have willingness to participate in pilot testing for initiatives
If you are a provider or organization serving members with complex health needs, download our COI/ Project ECHO flier (Coming Soon). For more information, email us at Community.Innovation@CareSource.com or Project.ECHO@CareSource.com.