Additional Care Management Support

HAP CareSource offers extra Care Management services for adults and children. Our goal is to make sure you have the right tools to stay as healthy as possible. These programs are available to you at no cost.

Children’s Special Health Care Services

If your child has a serious chronic medical condition, they could be eligible for Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) plan. This program services children (and some adults) with special health care needs at no cost to you. HAP CareSource collaborates with providers for CSHCS enrollees. If you have questions, please call us using the number below.

Health Care Transition

The Health Care Transition (HCT) program facilitates the process of moving from a child/family-centered health care model to an adult/patient-centered model, starting prior to the age of 14 and continuing into young adulthood for CSHCS enrollees and those within foster care. The goal of HCT is to assist youth in achieving independence in self-managing their health care needs as they enter adulthood. Have questions? Our HAP CareSource Care Management team can help.

Got Transition

The Got Transition® program can help to improve transition from pediatric to adult health care. Visit and get help with things like:

  • Health care transition quiz
  • Easy to Use HCT timeline (ages 12+)
  • Family tool kit for parents/caregivers and youth. The tool kit outlines the steps to better prepare youth for the transition to adult care.

As your child becomes an adult, they can qualify for extra benefits. Visit the MDHHS website at to learn more.

Support for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

HAP CareSource works with regional Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHPs) to better serve members with mental health needs or substance use disorders. Our Care Management team works closely with PIHPs to meet both mental health and physical health needs.

Hepatitis C Treatment

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is the most common bloodborne infection in the United States. People with HCV often do not feel sick and when they do, it is often a sign of advanced liver disease. The CDC recommends screening at least once in a lifetime to all adults 18 and up, as well as with each pregnancy.

Michigan’s We Treat Hep C Initiative increases access to necessary medications such as MAVYRET for Medicaid beneficiaries by removing the prior authorization requirements and dispensing the medication in an eight-week supply (or a 12-week supply, when appropriate). This allows you to begin treatment the same day as your diagnosis. HAP CareSource collaborates with providers to promote access and medication adherence.

Elevated Blood Lead Level Program

There is no safe level of lead in the blood. If your child has an elevated blood lead level and needs assistance coordinating resources, we can help. Please call us using the number below.

HIV Resources

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) provides a comprehensive system of HIV primary medical care, medication and essential support services to more than half a million people diagnosed with HIV in the United States.

Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States. Early and ongoing medical care can minimize complications and help children with the disorder lead full lives. To learn more review the Sickle Cell Disease Family Fact Sheet.

Care Management: 1-844-217-1357 (TTY: 711), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Discover Other Ways Care Management Can Support You

Please call us if you have any questions or feel that you would benefit from Care Management.
We are happy to help. You can reach us at 1-844-217-1357 (TTY: 711).