Tools & Resources
With the following tools and resources, you can find benefits and services, plan documents, forms, and submit a grievance or appeal.
Price A Medication
Use the Price A Medication search tool to see what medicines and medical supplies are covered by your plan.
Find A Doctor
Need a doctor close to home? Get the doctor’s address, phone number, and office hours. It will also show if the doctor is accepting new patients and directions to the office. You may also find urgent cares and other clinics, hospitals, and specialists.
Where to Get Care
Get the right care from the right provider when you need it. Learn about your care options.
Plan Documents
PDFs of documents, like your member handbook.
Benefits & Services
Learn about what is covered and how to use them.
Understanding Your Costs
Knowing the costs that come with your care can help you feel better about visiting your PCP or other provider and getting the care you need.
Tips to Lower Your Cost For Care
Cost for care is the amount for health care services that you and HAP CareSource share. This page focuses on
All the forms you need in one place.
Caregiver Resources
These resources help caregivers and ensure their loved ones get the best care.
Submit a Grievance or Appeal
If you are unhappy or don’t agree with a decision made by us or our providers, let us know.
Programs for food, shelter, financial support, and more.
Reporting Fraud, Waste & Abuse
Report a provider, pharmacy or member you feel is committing fraud, waste, or abuse.
Quality Improvement
Learn how we protect and improve your quality of care.