My CareSource
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Use My CareSource to track your benefits and make some account changes. You can also link to other CareSource family members. This makes it easy to see them all in one place. To you need your name as it is on your ID card, birthdate and ID number.
Create your safe, personal My CareSource account! You can use it to track your benefits and make some account changes. You can also link accounts for other family members. This makes it easy to manage them all in one place. To register, you need your name as it appears on your member ID card, your birthdate, and member ID number.
Once you set up your account, be sure to check out the free CareSource mobile app. It lets you access many of your account features on the go. You can:
- See plan benefits and services
- View your member ID card
- Find a doctor
- Make a payment
- Check claims
- And more
The CareSource mobile app is available for both iPhone and Android systems. Get it free through the Apple App Store® or Google Play® today.