Tobacco Cessation Toolkit for Behavioral Health Providers

This toolkit was developed for a broad continuum of mental health (MH) and substance use treatment professionals providing care for individuals who use tobacco products. According to the Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Commission, individuals living with a serious mental illness (SMI) have a high smoking prevalence, low quit rates, and may not have tobacco treatment considered a priority within the Behavioral Health setting.

These materials are intended for psychiatric nurse practitioners, physician assistants (PAs), case managers, therapists, and psychiatrists; however, some materials may also be appropriate for primary care and other health care providers who focus on substance use disorders (SUDs), MH conditions, and overall health and wellness. 

Factors Impacting Health Equity Among Behavioral Health Patients Who Use Tobacco

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), health equity is the opportunity for everyone to reach their full health potential, regardless of any socially determined circumstance. Health equity can be achieved in tobacco cessation and sustained by eliminating the differences in education and encouraging your patients’ success.

We understand the following factors can disproportionally affect people living with mental illnesses:

  • Poverty
  • Housing issues
  • Insufficient social support
  • Discrimination
  • Poor quality of schools attended
  • Difficulty in accessing care
  • Lack of transportation

Consider referring your patients to CareSource Life Services program to address Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) issues at 1-844-607-2832 or email

Provider Resources

For additional resources and tools to help educate and encourage members with tobacco cessation, please access the Navigate CareSource Tobacco Cessation Toolkit for BH Providers.

Here are some additional resources for our providers:

Medication Treatment Options

Prescription cessation aids are covered by the Medicaid and Marketplace programs. Providers are encouraged to refer patients ages 18 and over to the Indiana Tobacco Quitline, 1-800-QUIT-NOW. Services offered by the Quitline are confidential and provided free of charge to Indiana residents. 

There are several effective medications for tobacco dependence treatment. CareSource providers should promote their use by all patients attempting to quit using tobacco products, except when medically contraindicated.

For more information on medication assisted treatment for tobacco use, view the Medicaid Drug Formulary.

CareSource Rewards Program

To learn more about how your patients can earning rewards for tobacco cessation, please visit HIP/HHW Member Rewards.