HIP Tobacco Use Surcharge
Due to COVID-19, the state has stopped the collection of POWER Account contributions. During this period, you will not receive a POWER account statement or invoice. Additionally, copayments will not be required for any service.
What do I need to do?
Nothing. You do not have to make payments right now. We will let you know when you need to make payments again. You will have 60 days to make your first payment once you receive an invoice.
If you are a HIP Plus or HIP State Plan Plus member, you will pay a POWER Account Contribution (PAC) each month. The amount you pay for your PAC varies by person. You can learn more about the payment tiers in the member handbook. You need to pay your monthly PAC on time to keep your benefits. If you do not, you may have reduced benefits. You can also prepay on your POWER Account. Learn more about POWER Accounts here.
Do you want to quit using tobacco? We can help!
Who is a tobacco user?
A tobacco user is anyone who uses chewing tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookah or snuff four or more times a week over the prior six months.
How does the state or CareSource know if a member is a tobacco user?
- You tell us if you are a tobacco user when you join or apply for Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP).
- We may send you information about how you can quit. We may send this if you tell us you are a tobacco user on your Health Needs Screening (HNS). Answers from the HNS do not become part of your state record.
- The state may also check claims to identify members who use tobacco. Call us to change your tobacco user status. You can also follow the normal appeals process. Learn more about the appeals process.
How does CareSource help members stop using tobacco?
You can use covered benefits and services to help you stop using tobacco, such as:
- Medicine
- Web-based education and tools
- Calls with a personal coach
- Behavioral counseling
- Rewards! Learn more about rewards you can earn on your journey to become tobacco free.
Tobacco Use Surcharge
A surcharge is an extra charge. You have one benefit period (12 months) to use our programs to stop using tobacco. A 50% extra change will be added to your POWER Account Contribution (PAC) for future invoices if you tell us that you have not stopped using tobacco during the 12 months.
PAC discounts are shown below. Here are some ways you can lower your PAC for next year:
- Use your POWER account funds wisely. Any money left in your POWER account will roll over and lower your PAC next year.
- Follow preventive care guidelines to double your rollover amount.
Tier Name | FPL | Monthly PAC Single Individual | Monthly PAC Spouses (each) | PAC with Tobacco Surcharge (see below) | Spouse PAC when one has Tobacco Surcharge | Spouse PAC when both have Tobacco Surcharge (each) |
Tier 1 | 22% | $1 | $1 | $1.50 | $1. & $1.50 | $1.50 |
Tier 2 | 23-50% | $5 | $2.50 | $7.50 | $2.50 & $3.75 | $3.75 |
Tier 3 | 51-75% | $10 | $5 | $15 | $5. & $7.50 | $7.50 |
Tier 4 | 76-100% | $15 | $7.50 | $22.50 | $7.50 & $11.25 | $11.25 |
Tier 5 | 101-138% | $20 | $10 | $30 | $10 & $15 | $15 |
Log in to My CareSource to view claims and learn more about your plan. Questions? Call us at 1-844-607-2829 (TTY: 1-800-743-3333 or 711) Eastern Time. We can also help you learn more about our programs to help you quit.
How do I stop the surcharge once it gets added to my PAC?
You can call CareSource or the enrollment broker to let us know you have quit using tobacco.
CareSource: 1-844-607-2829 (TTY: 800-743-3333 or 711)
Enrollment Broker: 1-877-438-4479 (GET-HIP9)
Member Services: 1-844-607-2829 (TTY: 1-844-743-3333 or 711), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time.