End or Change Membership

We hope you will be happy with CareSource. If you have problems or concerns about your benefits, please call us so we can try to help resolve them.

Words to know:

Benefit Year: January – December. Your benefit limits reset each January.

Eligibility period: The months you have full coverage and benefits.

For Hoosier Healthwise (HHW) Members
You have the right to change your health plan at certain times of the year. You can change your plan:

Please call us at 1-844-607-2829 (TTY: 1-800-743-3333 or 711) if you have questions about changing health care plans for an approved reason.

For Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) Members

You can change your plan before getting full benefits. You can do this within 60 days. Your health plan choice will run through the calendar year. You will pick your plan once per year. You will stay with that plan all year, January through December. This is called your Benefit Year. If you leave the program and return during the year, your plan is the same. Here is how it works.

  • You can change your health plan for the next benefit year from November 1– December 15. Whatever you choose during this time will start in January. You can do this by calling 1-877-GET-HIP9 (1-877-438-4479).
  • Let them know you want to pick a new plan for the next year.
  • If you like CareSource, do nothing! You will be assigned to us for next year.

Exceptions are made for members who miss the health plan selection period due to one of these reasons:

  • A move from another program to HIP,
  • Redetermination timing, or
  • Not being fully eligible during the choice period.

HIP members must stay with their plan for 12 months, even if they have a gap in coverage.

To change your health plan, call 1-877-GET-HIP9 (1-877-438-4479). You can learn more about changing or ending membership in your Member Handbook.

Each year (every 12 months) you will have to go through your redetermination process. We will send you a reminder when it is time for your redetermination. If you don’t act, you could lose coverage.

Member Services: 1-844-607-2829 (TTY: 1-844-743-3333 or 711), Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. CT/8 a.m. ET to 7 p.m. CT/8 p.m. ET.