
CareSource dental benefits consists of both the State Plan approved services, as well as several extra benefits services. Extra benefits services are additional services outside of the standard Medicaid benefits package and are subject to a $700 annual maximum.

SkyGen Dental Provider Web Portal

The SkyGen Dental Provider Web Portal gives providers direct access to the following:

Navigate Georgia Medicaid Dental Provider ManualGeorgia Medicaid Covered Dental Benefits Quick Reference Guide

The manual provides comprehensive information on topics such as all covered services, prior authorization requirements and processes, claim submissions and much more.

The Quick Reference Guide provides a chart of coverage codes, benefit limits, prior authorization requirements and additional information.

Visit the SkyGen Dental Provider Web Portal

Dental Resources

Access the below resources for information about covered benefits, coding and more:

Updates & Announcements

Our goal is to keep you informed with timely information about our plan and services. As changes occur and as needs arise, we issue network notifications to our providers via the Updates & Announcements page. Please check this page often to learn about updates and changes than impact your practice.

Additional Information

For questions related to our dental provider resources, please contact us at 1-855-202-1058.