Provider Maintenance

Up-to-date contact information is critical to process your claims. In addition, it ensures our directories are up-to-date and reduces unnecessary calls to your practice. This information is also reportable to Medicaid and Medicare.

Update Your Information

Please submit any changes for your practice using the Provider Maintenance Form on the Provider Portal. Simply log in and select “Provider Maintenance” from the left-hand navigation. You can update CareSource PASSE™ with such changes as:

  • Changing an address or phone number
  • Adding new restrictions or capacity limitations
Helpful Tools and Resources

Forms Page

To terminate a provider, please follow the process outlined on this page’s provider roster. 

CareSource PASSE Common Roster Template

This template should be completed by large facilities needing to add a large number of providers to their practices.

New Health Partner Contract Form

Changes to your tax ID number or IRS name require an amendment to your contract and cannot be completed through provider maintenance. Use this form to make those changes.


CareSource PASSE has partnered with BetterDoctor, the Quest Analytics Accuracy solution that outreaches to providers to collect attestations for CareSource PASSE. State and federal regulations require that health plans must validate and update their contracted provider network every 90 days. This process ensures we have the most accurate information for claims payment and provider directories.

To learn more about CareSource PASSE’s collaboration with BetterDoctor, view the Navigate BetterDoctor FAQs.