Health, Safety & Welfare
CareSource PASSE™ strives to limit the administrative burden while advocating for member access to quality health care. Access the below resources for programs and tools designed to support the care and treatment you provide to our members.
Coordinating Integrated Care
CareSource PASSE understands that coordinated care is key to ensuring optimal outcomes for our members. We offer the following resources as tools to coordinate the best possible integrated care:
- Addiction Help
- Care Coordination
- Clinical Care Guidelines
- Depression Screenings
- Find a Doctor
- Forms
- Interpreter Services
- Opioid Tool Kit
- Pregnancy
- Preventive Health Guidelines
- Suicide Prevention Tool Kit
Member Benefits
As a CareSource PASSE provider, you can easily access members’ benefits to best serve their needs using the following resources:
Provider Communications
CareSource PASSE supports coordination across all interventions along the continuum of care. Visit these pages for resources to support coordinated care with a holistic, integrated approach:
Provider Portal
Save time. Save money. Use the secure Provider Portal.
This online tool lets you verify member eligibility, submit claims electronically, check claim status and more, all in one convenient location.
Quality Improvement
We have established a Quality Improvement program to continually help us raise the bar on member care, including member safety through incident reporting and quality of care reviews of member services.
Access this program to help improve operational efficiency, delivery of health care services and health outcomes.
Incident Reporting
Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) and Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) providers that are providing services to PASSE members under the 1915(i) and 1915(c) Waivers, must report the incidents captured in the Provider Manual using the Department of Human Services (DHS) DDS Incident Reporting Portal online, if the provider has access to the portal. If the portal is not available to the provider, use the Arkansas PASSE Incident Report Form .
To report an incident:
- Access the online DHS DDS Incident Reporting Portal, complete the report and submit it.
- Fill out the
Arkansas PASSE Incident Report Form and email it to both of the following:
- CareSource PASSE at
- DDS PASSE Monitoring & Assurances at
Mandated Reporters
The Arkansas Child Maltreatment Act and the Arkansas Adult Maltreatment Act deem all staff of PASSE HCBS providers to be mandated reporters of any suspected adult or child abuse, neglect, exploitation, and maltreatment. Failure on the part of a PASSE HCBS provider to properly report suspected abuse, neglect, exploitation, and maltreatment to the appropriate hotline is a violation of these minimum standards.
Additional Incident Reporting Resources
Phone | Online |
Arkansas Adult Protective Services 1-800-482-8049 | Arkansas Department of Human Services Find out more about how to report child abuse and neglect. |
Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-482-5964 (TDD: 1-800-843-6349) | Arkansas LEAPS Form Use this form to report adult maltreatment online. |
Training for Arkansas Mandated Reporters Learn how to recognize and report suspected abuse. |