Subrogation and Records Request Information
The Rawlings Company handles all CareSource subrogation and workers’ compensation recovery matters, except Ohio Medicaid claims. Please direct all inquiries to:
The Rawlings Company
PO Box 2000
LaGrange, KY 40031
P: 855.967.6617
Ohio Medicaid
Ohio Medicaid subrogation matters are handled by Health Management Systems. Please send all subrogation and lien requests to:
Health Management Systems – Ohio Tort Recovery Unit
5475 Rings Rd, STE 200
Dublin, OH 43017
P: 888.245.9019
F: 614.242.1051
For any third-party records requests, please send a letter of representation and compliant HIPAA authorization to:
Attn: Office of General Counsel
230 N. Main St
Dayton, OH 45402
P: 937.531.2424
F: 937.487.1921
HIPAA requires covered entities to obtain a signed attestation when certain requests for PHI potentially related to reproductive health care is received from a third party. The third party must confirm, in writing, that the use or disclosure is not for a prohibited purpose. The form is available here.
This attestation requirement applies when the request is for PHI for any of the following:
- Health oversight activities;
- Judicial and administrative proceedings;
- Law enforcement purposes; or
- Disclosures to coroners and medical examiners
As such, all third parties making a request for records that may include PHI potentially related to reproductive health care must also submit a signed attestation. Request submitted without the required attestation will not be considered.